Friday, September 12, 2008


by Stan C. Countz

Don’t wanna hear “the truth”
I’ve heard it ‘til I’m blue in the face
Who needs to listen to you?
Who needs your amazing grace?

Got my own good word
Just in case you hadn’t heard
Just add a dash of faith and stir
It’ll go down pretty easy
Of this you can be sure

Anyway, your plan is too intrusive
And just too narrow-minded
My way is much more inclusive
Who wants to be blind-sided?

My eyes are blind and I’m
Gonna keep them closed
My life is just fine as it is
Don’t need to be exposed
I got itchy ears and I only hear
The voice of expedience
Ringing in my ear
Who cares about obedience?
I’m no one’s stool pidgeon
I’m adding my own ingredients
And making my own religion

I only believe what I’m told
By the latest opinion poll
Though I’ve been bought with a price
By the very blood of Christ
I’ve been sold into sin and bondage again
‘Cuz in my golden rule religion
Whoever has the most gold wins

Mine is a designer faith based on convenience
My blind eyes see only shades of gray
I guess you could say I’m pretty lenient
Who says we need to watch and pray?
I’m Ok, you’re OK and I like it that way

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